"A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat." - Lamb of God

Timothy @Casualty

Age 34, Male

Hardcore lazy fucker

Stamper's Tech Inst.


Joined on 9/15/04

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Newgrounds Log Bytesize is out!

Posted by Casualty - November 13th, 2007

Go check it out on the NG Log frontpage or in the Portal.

About that last one... 2.93/5.00?? Fuck you, Newgrounds, fuck you in your face! I don't see HOW it can get a score that low while this SHIT nearly has the same score!

About my other projects... I don't know, I've been working really slowly and sporadically lately so don't expect any update on that for now. Things I might work on are: Control a Mosher, more NG Log features, other flash I'm too lazy to remember.


Lol. First comment. It was out yestarday. :p I've watched them all already they rock.

Thanks dude, glad you liked it!

nice work dude... it's awesome... some ppl already post on the NGlog ideas topic, how much they like it... XD

I know, but I'm banned (OH THE INJUSTICE).

Thanks for the comment!

Don't worry about ratings.
People are gonna vote how they felt about it anyways =]

If it's not blammed then you win! :D

It hasn't been blammed, we've won!

There are some nice movies there, including yours!

Thanks dude!

I rocked my socks off on your part, fucking sweet music you had there.

Also, the over nine thousnad movie is quite funny, and the whole kirby vs your submission issue, WTF?!

Seriously, people who make shit like that don't even deserve that cookie their mom gives them before bed time.

Fucking assholes, that shit was fucked up.

And again, I loved your input in it!

Thanks soooo much mate! Your support is greatly appreciated, also I'm looking forward to the meet up! =P

#4 is the best one. XP

Really? =P

I <3d it. :-)

So did I, so did I... =]

HEY when are you making bowser's kingdom 8? 7 wuz hilarious
so were all the others!
PM me with any news regarding ur next project.

Note to people: I did not make/do not know Bowser's Kindgom Flash movies.

my bad i didint know...
do u do audio?

Yup, I have tons of metal tracks; check them out!

I've bumped its score up a bit ^___^

So I see :o

Yeah it's not at 2.93 anymore buddy. All it takes is a few high VP's and its up to 3.55!


Thanks dude, though that's not the way it usually goes here on NG but oh well, thanks everyone =P

I used to have that exact gutar exept the head was diffrent, but it got stolen one night.

Woah, stealing guitars sucks =/

Got a new one yet?

yo casualty!
hope u no mind but i think i just joined your network...
pretty friggin sweet if you ask me!

Joined my network? I didn't know I have a network. But whatever it is, I don't mind you joining, at all! Thanks for the comments!

yo my msn messenger back up!
(this comp is shared between me and my mom...its the only 1 we've got....)
anyway....it works and i trying to get other users on my contacts list!
(it takes a while)

Sure dude, add me whenever you want: timo176@gmail.com!

I'd add you but I'm quite busy right now, so go ahead and do it...

dude i use a B.C.Rich guitar its a sweet electric guitar

That's why I have one as well =]

NG Log is the BOMB! More features, please!

Less whining, please!

Woo! Rock on for the BC Rich Warlock (metal master for me)!!!!!!!!

I got a limited edition one with some awesome graphics, thus not the one in my profile pic.


i fucking love ng log!